When we look at the historical development of the invention of the zipper, it covers the years of 1850-1913. During the invention of the zipper, different ideas were put forward by more than one inventor and modern zippers emerged. Elias Howe, who first offered an idea and worked on the zipper, developed the self-closing zipper, but it was not used and preferred by people. In the next stages, the inventors, who were unaware of each other, continued to make improvements on zippers, but no real results were found. Finally, Gideon Sundback presented the zipper as it is today in 1913. In addition, after Gideon Sundback completed the invention of the zipper, he developed it on a machine that produces zippers, with the contribution of being an engineer. Thus, although zippers were not as advanced as today's zipper machines, they could make mass productions in accordance with the conditions of that time. You can see how much effort and time has passed to invent zippers, which we now consider simple.
In the first case after completing the zipper invention, the zipper components such as teeth, strip, slider, pullers, top and bottom stop emerged. It is necessary to have these components in order to complete the zipper closing and opening function. Although a single type of zipper was produced in the first period of the zipper, it still continues to develop in today's conditions. According to the material from which the gear parts of the zipper components are produced, delrin zipper, metal zipper and nylon zipper types have emerged. At the same time, separate models of these zipper types have started to be produced. For example; In delrin zipper types, delrin zipper models have emerged according to the tooth structure, slider and strip thickness. When choosing among the zipper types, the choice should be made according to the thickness of the fabric and the product in which the zipper will be used. Unlike all the other zipper types, invisible zippers have emerged as the toothed parts of the nylon zipper come to the inside and are covered on the strip.
Thanks to the development of technology and the machines produced for zipper production, the production of different models of zippers has gained speed. The production of waterproof zippers has helped us immensely in providing comfort and convenience. Because when waterproof coats or trousers were purchased, problems arose because water leaked from the threaded parts of the zipper, and manufacturers were suffering. After the production of water-repellent zippers, it was easily used in waterproof products. Covering the threaded parts of the nylon zipper with a waterproof strip prevents the passage of water.
Printed zippers are zippers produced using the latest technology. Thanks to the quality pattern prints made with a special technique on the strip part of the invisible zipper, it is ensured that the zipper is not visible in patterned products.Zipper is used in many areas, especially in clothing and textile products. Let's reiterate that zipper types vary according to the usage area of the zipper. Delrin zippers are mostly used as coat zippers, canvas zippers, bag zippers. Nylon zippers are used as bed cover zipper, wedding dress and evening dress zipper in baby clothes, which are light clothes. Metal zipper models are mostly used as jeans zipper, boot zipper and jacket zipper.